- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 627
- Set Year: 1992
- Set Number: 8868
- Set Parts: 955
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
Here it is folks, the king, the godfather, the most complex pneumatic set of all time (with the possible exception of 8455). Released in 1992, set 8868 has the first and only motorized pneumatic compressor, four full size dual-acting unbalanced pneumatic actuators, and one of the new mini actuators. Just in case anyone thought this was not enough, there are also dual rear differentials, a V-6 reciprocating engine, and rack and pinion steering. If you don't have this set, you need to mortage your house, ransom your pets, or sell your liver. Do whatever it takes to get this model. You will not regret it.
This set is unique and special in so many ways. It was the first big dual axle truck. It was the first (and only) set with a compressor. It was the first pneumatic set of any kind since 1989. It was the first (and only) to include BOTH an electric motor and pneumatics. And this is no simple build. With over 900 parts, it was the biggest set to date, even bigger than the 8865 super car. And with all that complexity, it still only has 32 steps in the instructions, which are wafer thin. With the detailed construction and huge numbers of pneumatic hoses to route, this thing takes some time to get right. But it is surely satisfying when you do.
The chassis of this truck is extremely rigid due to the fact that it is constructed from multiple layers of beams running both horizontally and vertically. Because the beams are relatively far apart, the second moment of inertia of the frame is quite high. So even with the long wheelbase, this model does not sag at the middle.
This model also has quite a number of nice aesthetic touches which were somewhat unusual for Technic at the time. There are nice white fuel tanks on either side, vertical exhaust stacks, compression braking vents on the sides of the hood, air horns on the roof (too bad they don't work), and a nice "slammer bar" hanging from the front bumper. The loader even has a realistic operator's seat.
"Air Tech Claw Rig" is a bit of an odd name, but this seems to be a model of a truck used in logging. It can go off-road deep into the woods and pick up heavy logs to load onto other special purpose trucks.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 453
- Set Year: 1992
- Set Number: 8839
- Set Parts: 532
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: USD
The 8839 Supply Ship, released in 1992, was the first and only large boat ever released in the Technic line. The fact that the subject matter was never repeated is unfortunate since this is an excellent model. This boat is packed with features including rotating and vectoring propellers, and a crane which slews and raises.
Even though the construction of the hull is all done with straight beams, it produces the impression of a curved hull. This is partly done with simple hinges, and partly by the fact that the hull width tapers from the top to the bottom at the bow. The flex system is used extensively, both for control of the steering system and even as simulated rigging on the mast. It is a great looking model. There's even a set of control panels on the bridge.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 473
- Set Year: 1992
- Set Number: 8837
- Set Parts: 255
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The 8837 wheeled excavator, released in 1992, is a goofy little set. It is highly functional for its size, but the proportions are wrong somehow. It doesn't look like any excavator I've ever seen.
This model uses one normal sized pneumatic actuator and one of the new small variety. It also uses the new small scoop. Its best feature, in my opinion, is the central axle which controls two functions, steering and slewing. This is the only set to use the central ring gear of the turntable.
Construction of this set is far simpler than the older8851 - Excavator which required an extra arm to complete comfortably.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 469
- Set Year: 1992
- Set Number: 8836
- Set Parts: 273
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The second Technic airplane, 8836, was released in 1992. It is much smaller than its cousin 8855, but is still an excellent medium plane. It features a horizontally opposed 2 cylinder engine which drives the prop directly. The rear of the tricycle landing gear has suspension, and the ailerons are movable via a control stick using flex system cables.
Like 8855, the wing is constructed using a number of ribs in an airfoil shape like a real semi-monocoque airplane. But unlike its predecessor, it has no spars. The plates making up the upper and lower skin are the only things holding the ribs together which makes for a wing which is very flexible and has poor torsional rigidity. The canopy is made from toothed connectors and axles, and the entire front engine, prop, and gear assembly is connected in a rather unique way.
There's nothing particularly new in this plane that hadn't been done before, but it is a good airplane and is vastly superior to several of those that would come later.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 447
- Set Year: 1992
- Set Number: 8828
- Set Parts: 175
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The 8828 loader, released in 1992, is the smaller cousin of the previous 8853 - Excavator. It has the same features, but implements them in a different way. It features rear wheel rack and pinion steering and a scoop which lifts and dumps via flex cables. Despite its compact size, its appearance is quite accurate and the functions work great.
This is the first set to use the new smaller black bucket which would remain in use for a long time. Other than that, it does not really break any new ground.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 412
- Set Year: 1992
- Set Number: 8826
- Set Parts: 95
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
This 4x4 ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) is the first of its kind in the Technic line. Its steering is unique and was never repeated (for good reason). There is nothing particularly remarkable to mention here; this is just kind of a goofy set. No new parts or techniques are used. The function is so minimal that it's a bit of a stretch to even call it Technic, but it is entry level. The other sets of the same year make up for any deficiencies here.
Less Than 100pcs Sets
All technic sets consisting of 100 or less pieces.
Greater Than 1000pcs Sets
All technic setc consistimng of more than 1000 pieces.
Expert Builder Set
All sets belonging to the Expert Builder series from late 1970-ties and 1980-ties.
Pullback Motor
All sets containing a Pullback motor.