Here it is folks, the king, the godfather, the most complex pneumatic set of all time (with the possible exception of 8455). Released in 1992, set 8868 has the first and only motorized pneumatic compressor, four full size dual-acting unbalanced pneumatic actuators, and one of the new mini actuators. Just in case anyone thought this was not enough, there are also dual rear differentials, a V-6 reciprocating engine, and rack and pinion steering. If you don't have this set, you need to mortage your house, ransom your pets, or sell your liver. Do whatever it takes to get this model. You will not regret it.
This set is unique and special in so many ways. It was the first big dual axle truck. It was the first (and only) set with a compressor. It was the first pneumatic set of any kind since 1989. It was the first (and only) to include BOTH an electric motor and pneumatics. And this is no simple build. With over 900 parts, it was the biggest set to date, even bigger than the 8865 super car. And with all that complexity, it still only has 32 steps in the instructions, which are wafer thin. With the detailed construction and huge numbers of pneumatic hoses to route, this thing takes some time to get right. But it is surely satisfying when you do.
The chassis of this truck is extremely rigid due to the fact that it is constructed from multiple layers of beams running both horizontally and vertically. Because the beams are relatively far apart, the second moment of inertia of the frame is quite high. So even with the long wheelbase, this model does not sag at the middle.
This model also has quite a number of nice aesthetic touches which were somewhat unusual for Technic at the time. There are nice white fuel tanks on either side, vertical exhaust stacks, compression braking vents on the sides of the hood, air horns on the roof (too bad they don't work), and a nice "slammer bar" hanging from the front bumper. The loader even has a realistic operator's seat.
"Air Tech Claw Rig" is a bit of an odd name, but this seems to be a model of a truck used in logging. It can go off-road deep into the woods and pick up heavy logs to load onto other special purpose trucks.
By Technicopedia