- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 348
- Set Year: 2001
- Set Number: 880012
- Set Parts: 2
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 383
- Set Year: 2001
- Set Number: 880011
- Set Parts: 2
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 380
- Set Year: 2001
- Set Number: 880010
- Set Parts: 2
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 391
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: kabrobo
- Set Parts: 4
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 380
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 78675
- Set Parts: 6
- Currency: na
78675 - Exclusive RoboRiders Six Set Limited Edition Value Pack
Read more: 78675 - Exclusive RoboRiders Six Set Limited Edition

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 426
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8523
- Set Parts: 89
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
In 1999 and 2000 the Technic line included a totally new theme called Throwbots in North America and Slizer elsewhere. These were not made from traditional Technic parts, did not have traditional Technic functions, and were not vehicular scale models. Rather, these were anthropomorphic robotic dolls. The common function was a printed disc projectile. Each model featured a hand or claw made of a flexible material which could grip a disc and then, after being bent back, throw the disc. The system didn't work very well at all which may explain why this theme didn't last very long, but the basic idea of such models was continued with Roboriders and eventually Bionicle.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 427
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8522
- Set Parts: 35
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
In 1999 and 2000 the Technic line included a totally new theme called Throwbots in North America and Slizer elsewhere. These were not made from traditional Technic parts, did not have traditional Technic functions, and were not vehicular scale models. Rather, these were anthropomorphic robotic dolls. The common function was a printed disc projectile. Each model featured a hand or claw made of a flexible material which could grip a disc and then, after being bent back, throw the disc. The system didn't work very well at all which may explain why this theme didn't last very long, but the basic idea of such models was continued with Roboriders and eventually Bionicle.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 415
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8521
- Set Parts: 44
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
In 1999 and 2000 the Technic line included a totally new theme called Throwbots in North America and Slizer elsewhere. These were not made from traditional Technic parts, did not have traditional Technic functions, and were not vehicular scale models. Rather, these were anthropomorphic robotic dolls. The common function was a printed disc projectile. Each model featured a hand or claw made of a flexible material which could grip a disc and then, after being bent back, throw the disc. The system didn't work very well at all which may explain why this theme didn't last very long, but the basic idea of such models was continued with Roboriders and eventually Bionicle.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 491
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8520
- Set Parts: 137
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
In 1999 and 2000 the Technic line included a totally new theme called Throwbots in North America and Slizer elsewhere. These were not made from traditional Technic parts, did not have traditional Technic functions, and were not vehicular scale models. Rather, these were anthropomorphic robotic dolls. The common function was a printed disc projectile. Each model featured a hand or claw made of a flexible material which could grip a disc and then, after being bent back, throw the disc. The system didn't work very well at all which may explain why this theme didn't last very long, but the basic idea of such models was continued with Roboriders and eventually Bionicle.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 409
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8516
- Set Parts: 126
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 387
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8515
- Set Parts: 4
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 399
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8514
- Set Parts: 32
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 393
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8513
- Set Parts: 45
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 394
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8512
- Set Parts: 37
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 379
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8511
- Set Parts: 44
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 374
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8510
- Set Parts: 35
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 424
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8509
- Set Parts: 45
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Greater Than 1000pcs Sets
- Hits: 395
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8458
- Set Parts: 1433
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
This Formula 1 style racer, released in 2000, was a big step for Technic and represented a lot of firsts. It was the first model with more than 1400 parts and was by far the physically largest model at the time, and retains the largest footprint and wheelbase to this day. It was so out of scale with the other models which preceded it that it is hard to visualize without comparing them side by side. A minifigure standing next to a wheel comes only up to the axle. Even the much larger Technic figures are still far too small for this model. They would need to be roughly twice as large to be in scale. On the box artwork a huge helmet of a driver is shown, but this part never actually existed. It might be assumed that such a large model would test the limits of the structural strength of Technic parts, but in fact the heavily braced chassis construction which uses both studded and studless beams is quite sturdy. In fact, this model is quite difficult to disassemble since some of the steps are not easily reversible.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 419
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8457
- Set Parts: 977
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
Power Pulling or Tractor Pulling is a motorsport in which massive vehicles loosely based on tractors compete to pull a heavy sled as far as possible. The tractor is typically just a welded tube chassis with massive tires at the back, tiny tires at the front, and as many engines as possible. It turns out that Technic actually sponsored such a vehicle at the time, and this set is a scale model of the real thing. The set came with a VHS tape containing some race footage of the real Technic Power Puller. No other Technic set has ever come with a video tape!

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 425
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8450
- Set Parts: 643
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 412
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8307
- Set Parts: 392
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
Of all the Competition sets, the Stunt Race probably has the most play value. At its core is a motorized car which can be configured in three different ways using different detachable front and rear modules. Most unusually, there are a large set of brightly colored tracks used by players to change the direction of the car. There are also a set of accessories. With these parts, players can choose from among four different games. The large instructions manual includes all these options as well as "rules" for the games which are cleverly conveyed without words.
I resisted this set for many years because it looks so totally different than the typical Technic philosophy, but I have to admit that it is a lot of fun. Of all the sets listed here on Technicopedia, this one probably varies the most from the norm. Play sets of this type would be part of the Racers theme in later years.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 442
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8305
- Set Parts: 191
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The dueling models in this set are nearly identical, differing only in their color and pilot. They are therefore quite evenly matched. In each case the weapon is an extensible front fork. The intent is to strike the target of your opponent: no easy task if they are moving around. A successful hit yields a spectacular result. The pilot of the losing craft is forcibly ejected from the cockpit with a spring mechanism.
This set does not follow the color scheme (turquoise and purple) of all the other Competition sets. Instead it uses lime and orange, also very rare colors. Both sets from 2000, this and 8307, use these colors.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 391
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8279
- Set Parts: 449
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
This set was a dramatic departure from traditional Technic, but there was nowhere else to put it in 2000. The following year, the new Racers line would become the home for this kind of model. This is a very simple motorized play set. The "4WD" in the title is accurate since this buggy is actually four wheel drive, but the "X-Track" is a bit of a mystery. There is no track and therefore there is certainly no X, but the model does drive and has remarkable power and durability.
As a play set, this model does more than just drive. Although it can overcome considerable obstacles, it can also be used in competitions using the included finishing gate. Instructions were also included for alternate configurations which could use the Supplemental speed computer.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 413
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8238
- Set Parts: 202
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
This pair of drag racers is part of the Speed Slammers line so it is also made to use with the slammer launchers. This is the only set in the series to come with two cars and two launchers and so can be used for competitive races out of the box.
The 3 speed slammers released this year are modular and can usually be separated into a front and back section which can then be combined with the other models.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 410
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8237
- Set Parts: 115
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
This red racing car is part of the Speed Slammers line so it is also made to use with the slammer launcher. It has no other functions.
The 3 speed slammers released this year are modular and can usually be separated into a front and back section which can then be combined with the other models.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 397
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8236
- Set Parts: 60
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
This little green cruising tricycle has only a single apparent function: a steerable front fork. However, as part of the Speed Slammers line it is also made to use with the slammer launcher. It is the only such model to come without a launcher so you need to own one of the other models to use it. Even without the launcher, it is a perfectly good small model in its own right.
The 3 speed slammers released this year are modular and can usually be separated into a front and back section which can then be combined with the other models.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 388
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8006
- Set Parts: 25
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.
- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 391
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8005
- Set Parts: 32
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 393
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8004
- Set Parts: 32
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 413
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8003
- Set Parts: 35
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Roboriders were released in 2000 and overlapped the Slizers. Like the Slizers, they departed from the usual Technic subject matter and parts. In this case, rather than anthropomorphic robots we have robotic motorcycles. Four of them were micro sized models with almost no features at all, six were small sized play sets with a single feature, and the final model was substantially larger. The common feature of the sets used a specialized flexible housing to throw the wheel discs. Sadly, this feature didn't really work at all which helps explain why this series only lasted a single year.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 418
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8002
- Set Parts: 567
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Destroyer Droid (or Droideka) was among the very first line of Star Wars Technic models. The destroyer droid is featured in Episode 1, the only prequel released at the time. Just like the droid in the movie, this model can be rolled up in ball for high speed mobility and then opened for battle. In this case the mechanism is initiated by multiple pressure points. The mechanism is driven by a series of rubber bands. The kinematics of this model are among the most complex of any Technic set ever released. Whomever designed this model is an engineering genius. This model can stand even without the rubber bands, but the "stinger" in particular requires the rubber bands to stay up. The rubber bands degrade over time and eventually fail. Fortunately, extra rubber bands were supplied with the model.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 398
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8001
- Set Parts: 336
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Battle Droid was among the very first line of Star Wars Technic models. The battle droid appears extensively in Episode 1, the only prequel released at the time, and then later in Episodes 2 and 3. Just like the droid in the movie, this model can be collapsed for storage and then pops open when needed. In this case the mechanism is initiated by a button on the back. The mechanism is driven by a series of rubber bands (knees, legs, button, elbow, and neck). The stability of the model when standing depends entirely on the rubber bands which degrade over time and eventually result in the model falling over. Fortunately, extra rubber bands were supplied with the model.
The model construction relies heavily on parts from the recent Slizer and Roborider themes. The feet are made from Slizer heads, and the arms and backpack from Slizer and Roborider parts. The remainder of the parts are studless Technic parts but in tan. Tan had never appeared before; LEGO® Star Wars was its first appearance. There are also magnets as featured in the old M-Tron sets here.
The default model has black "ears", but these and other parts can be changed for yellow or red to signify different ranks. The model includes instructions for an alternate model of an AT-ST.

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 400
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 8000
- Set Parts: 223
- Building Instruction: No
- Currency: na
The Pit Droid was among the very first line of Star Wars Technic models. The Pit Droid appears in Episode One in Watto's junkyard and is apparently used to help repair equipment. Just like the droid in the movie, this model can be collapsed for storage and then pops open when the nose button is pushed. The mechanism is driven by a series of rubber bands (knees, torso, fingers, and nose). The stability of the model when standing depends entirely on the rubber bands which degrade over time and eventually result in the model falling over. Fortunately, extra rubber bands were supplied with the model. As can be seen in the revolving animation, this model leans forward significantly when standing. This is not just an accident of balance; there are parts which protrude from the heels of the feet forcing this posture.
The model construction relies heavily on parts from the recent Slizer and Roborider themes. The feet are made from Slizer heads, the arms from Slizer ball joints, and the legs and torso from Slizer and Roborider parts. The nose is actually a Roborider disc with a custom printed pattern. The remainder of the parts are studless Technic parts but in the unusual colors of tan and green. Green was rare at this point in Technic history, but tan had never appeared at all. LEGO® Star Wars was its first appearance.
The model includes instructions for an alternate model of a speeder bike.
- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 594
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 3057
- Set Parts: 105
- Currency: na
Read more: 3057 - Create 'n' Race - Master Builders (Masterbuilders)

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 395
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 1293
- Set Parts: 25
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 422
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 1292
- Set Parts: 34
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 375
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 1291
- Set Parts: 32
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Less Than 100pcs Sets
- Hits: 404
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 1290
- Set Parts: 35
- Currency: na

- Details
- Category: Sets
- Hits: 402
- Set Year: 2000
- Set Number: 1061
- Set Parts: 1
- Currency: na
Less Than 100pcs Sets
All technic sets consisting of 100 or less pieces.
Greater Than 1000pcs Sets
All technic setc consistimng of more than 1000 pieces.
Expert Builder Set
All sets belonging to the Expert Builder series from late 1970-ties and 1980-ties.
Pullback Motor
All sets containing a Pullback motor.